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Special Blu-ray edition of ‘The Little Coach’

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Cameo has launched the special Spanish Blu-ray edition of ‘The Little Coach’, a film directed by Marco Ferreri, written by Rafael Azcona and starring José Isbert, which won the FIPRESCI Prize at the Venice Film Festival in 1960.

Cameo presents ‘The Little Coach’ in its integrated and remastered high definition version, including the original ending of the film which was censored by the Franco regime.

The edition also includes a booklet with unpublished writings by the producer of the film, Pere Portabella, and the director of Filmoteca de Catalunya, Esteve Riambau.

The Blu-ray is accompanied by the following extras:

  •  The alternative ending, filmed for the censorship.
  •  A sequence of the film ‘Umbracle’ (1972) by Pere Portabella, where the critics Roman Gubern, Joan Enric Lahosa and Miguel Bilbatúa explain how censorship works in Spain.


Now available in shops, it can be obtained at Cameo’s website.

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Pere Portabella – Films 59

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Pere Portabella – Films 59.